pgf wrote: 
> Anything would work.  I can make it 1 second.  I confess it makes me
> twitch a little, but 1 second is eons in modern computer clock speed
> time.  
That was my feeling too.  Isn't this the way a daemon works (something
like pigpiod that constantly watches for gpio events), or does they all
use a different approach, like system events?

pgf wrote: 
> You go guy!   I have no idea what you're talking about.  :-)
I found that if the player is switched off in LMS before the script
stops squeezelite, the next time the script restarts squeezelite it
comes back in the same 'soft off' state.  It's a really minor issue, but
I prefer that if the DAC is powered up, squeezelite should restart in
the 'soft on' state.  This is my attempt to do that by sending the
appropriate command to LMS.  Call it with 'softpower "$NAME" 1', where
$NAME is obtained from /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp.cfg.  I'm totally new to
the JSON interface, so there may well be more efficient ways to do this.
And I suspect my function will go wrong if the player's $NAME has
spaces in it, because it will look like more than one argument.

  # send JSON command to soft power on/off (1/0) the player
  softpower() { 
        #get LMS address and port
        . /var/www/cgi-bin/pcp-functions
        . /usr/local/etc/pcp/pcp.cfg
        [ x"" = x"$LMSWEBPORT" ] && LMSPORT=9000 || LMSPORT=$LMSWEBPORT
        log "LMS address = $LMSIP:$LMSPORT" $logfile
        # get player's MAC address from the player name
        player_info=$(busybox wget -q -O- 
--post-data='{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params": [ "-", [ "players", "0", 
"999" ] ]}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
        MAC=$(echo $player_info | awk -F "$player_name" '{print $2}' | awk -F 
playerid '{print $2}' | awk -F \" '{print $3}')
        # send soft power request to LMS
        result=$(busybox wget -q -O- 
["'$MAC'",["power",'$pwr']]}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
        log "$result" $logfile

pgf wrote: 
> I'm not sure what a --nostop would do.  All I call is "restart" now, not
> "stop".  If they don't want "restart" either, then...  why would they
> run this script?  The only thing that happens right now when unplugging
> the device is a log message.
I realise that didn't make a lot of sense without an explanation that,
for me, the obvious missing function is to stop squeezelite when the DAC
is powered down - so a '/usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite stop' command
in the second section of the script.  That way, squeezelite will come
and go with the DAC.  Clearly you personally don't need that function,
so you'd be a candidate for the --nostop option, which would prevent any
of the commands in the second section from being triggered.

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