Hi guys,

Asking in this thread since PcP 7 is the latest version.

I wonder if there is any way one could remove basically all menues from
Jivelite? I'm not talking about the "hide from/add to home menu"
function I mean really remove menues.

Like for example only have available "Favorites" and "Playlists" and
nothing else.

Reason for asking is I want to simplify things for my old mum who's
starting to get pretty confused these days (she just got 80 years old
...). And she told me she stopped using the player because of all the
options navigating the menues. It's pretty sad because of this she
stopped listen to her favorite radiostations from around the world that
she actually loves.

I remember for a couple of years ago I managed to get "Now playing"
always be shown as a menu. So was thinking maybe it's possible to do the
opposite and remove some lines in a setting file somewhere, would that
be possible?

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