Naass wrote: 
> Greeting to all members,
> I am using Raspberry Pi 4 as a PiCorePlayer player.
> Tried a couple of dac hats and a Topping D10s and I couldn' manage to
> get them play 32/92 files without this scratching noise on top of the
> sound.
> Audio output set to USB Audio, Output setting set as hw:CARD=D10,DEV=0
> and ALSA Setting 80:4::1. (tried also 120:4::1)
> Is there any other setting or a way to get this problem solved?
> Thanks in advance for your help. 
> Naass
> nb. This was posted in the "3rd Party Software", but had no feedback at
> all. Reposting it here hoping to get some help.Why did you post the same 
> issue here then?

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