Good morning Ronnie. It was very late last night when I got the DAC
working. I listened to it for a while and discovered that after 2-3
minutes of play it stops playing for about 1 second, stutters back and
continues playing for another few minutes then repeats that process.

More information. I'm playing almost exclusively FLAC files on a RPI4
running over Ethernet. I'm using a 5" touch screen displaying a VU
meter. I mention that because when the music stops the VU freezes
exactly where it is until play resumes. Maybe that's a hint.

Anyway, I'm wondering where and what to look for to diagnose/correct the
issue. I did read about the buffers in Jivelite and experimented with
some of those settings, but none of that made a difference.

Thanks once again for any light you can shed on this.


Man in a van wrote: 
> Good show :)
> ronnie

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