Tx - the only thing that had changed was a new drive in the server which
meant the remote image backup share name in my net mounts was invalid.
The music share didn't change. The new drive went in with no LMS
activity ongoing.
Before I'd spotted that share name issue I then added "vers=2.0" to the
music library mount option and it mounted! (I tried Net Mount button
before but it wouldn't even try as nothing had changed).

Then I corrected the share name for the remote image backup and that
mounted Ok, so then I removed the vers=2.0 from the music library mount
and everything mounts again, so the dialect error in dmsg could have
been a red herring. Hmmmm.

It seems like net mount detects 'something' has changed and then it
breaks all the mounts for some reason. I forget what the retry mechanism
is on L*nux SMB, with Windows it just retries, like a soft vs hard

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