ygi wrote: 
> The issue is that when trying to calibrate i still get the 3.5 screen
> default resolution : 
> xres = 480, yres = 320
> The Crosshairs are not displayed, but the touchscreen is responsive and
> shows me proper positions..
> And no display on restarting the pcp => black screen.

Ok I have found why, the screen is /dev/fb0
I could have calibrated and tested it.

But, on the reboot process.. any reboot after having installed the
"pcp-jivelite_default-wav35skin.tcz” extension, it hags on "Loading
Extensions", the bar also stopped spinning, but the RPI is still
responding on the network and SSH.

I have tried to remove the extension... it boots normaly, I add it
back.. it hangs again.

Have you an idea why ?



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