I used squeezelite for a long time with LMS, and i am looking to the
best audio quality,

Recently i compared Squeezelite with aplay and i found that aplay sound
more natural and relaxed.

Squeezelite is launched with logitech media server and with argument :
ARGS=-o plughw:0,0
Aplay is launced with the command :
flac -c -d test.flac | aplay -D plughw:0,0

If you want to use the same buffer (200ms + period count 4) :
ARGS=-o plughw:0,0 -a 200:4:32:1
flac -c -d test.flac | aplay -D plughw:0,0 --B 200000 -F 50000

You can check the buffer with :
cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params

I would like to know why there is a difference in sound.
I thought Squeezelite was neutral and just transmit to alsa but i think
it is not the case.

I tried by mistake these buffer (500bytes + period count 4) :
ARGS=-o plughw:0,0 -a 500:4:32:1
flac -c -d test.flac | aplay -D plughw:0,0 --buffer-size=500

And Squeezelite can't manage that buffer (the sound is chopped), whereas
aplay is ok.
For me it is a proof that Squeezelite is doing something different than
just transmit to alsa.

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