I had pCP setup before this, I am pretty sure it was pCP7, but I did not
keep a backup to verify that.  When this worked, the album info
displayed on the 7" screen, and the rainbow test screen would display on
the TV (assuming it was on).

The hardware is rPi 3B v1.2.  Despite all the documentation I'm seeing
online, this board is tagged with 2015, the revision for this board is
a22082 -- this is a recent update.  I am unsure of what revision was
used when I had this working. 

I am trying to set up pCP8 (8.20) [64-bit] and am having issues getting
it configured the way I need/would like to have it set up.

My needs:
pCP8 displaying album information on 7" LCD, playing audio through HDMI
(as described above).

My Wants: 
pCP8 displaying album information on 7" LCD AND TV (via HDMI) displaying
Album Art and/or personal images while playing audio through HDMI

I have the 'Official Raspberry Pi 7" touch screen.'  This is a DSI
display, and was the cause of some consternation when I originally setup
pCP as, at the time, DSI and HDMI did not play well together.  I
remember it was a simple config.txt change, but do not remember the
specific item I needed to add.  Again, no back up to figure it out.  As
such, I have been using the forums and Google to try to figure out what
I need to do to set this up.  As nothing works at the moment, I'm find
doing what ever is needed.  I'm pretty familiar with linux and should be
able to get whatever is needed.

[I HAVE NOT TESTED RASPIAN -- My next test later on today will be
whether raspian is functioning similarly to what I would like.  I am
expecting mirrored displays on LCD and TV, and getting sound from TV,
but am not sure if that's what will happen, I will report the results if
they are not as expected. ]

On to what I have tried:
I have tried both 32- and 64-bit versions.
I have set SqueezeLite for HDMI Audio (as well as Headphones and None
just to be thorough)
I have added dtparam=vc4-kms-v3d, as well as -fkms-
I have removed gpu_mem OR left it in place
I have added max_framebuffers=2, display_default_lcd=1 and
framebuffer_priority=0 (in groups and individually)
I have tried adding video=DSI-1:800x480@60 and video=DSI-1:480x800@60

It's possible I've missed a combination, but have tried going through
reasonable iterations of the above settings.  My results are either A or
B -- A) No sound from HDMI regardless of LCD or HDMI video out.  B) It
only displays through HDMI, and there's no audio.

What other information do you need/want?  What suggestions might anyone

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