mcblack wrote: 
> I also never seen this before, but it happened to me and maybe others
> without knowing what’s going wrong. It could be the difference in my
> putty character set  and the locale C as used in picoreplayer? It is not
> really important since I got it working, but I am really curious as I
> spent a lot of time on this one. I Did the same copy paste on debian
> with dutch locale and no sign of hidden characters here.

I did some more investigation about the subject and found out that
indeed the copied script has invisible characters not known by the
locale C as used in picoreplayer. I found a 'tool'
( to view invisible
characters . 
The characters copied from the website appeared to be  a
Non-breaking space see Introducing these
characters into to your script on your picorepayer will fail the

As an advice to de writers of the docs files, please remove de
characters which are not in de locale “C” if copy paste is mentioned.

|Filename: Clipboard02.jpg                                          |

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