Hi Forum,

some time ago I was playing around with some used slimdevices, having a
Radio in the bathroom, a Boom for my office and some raspberry pis with
Hifiberry-Amps in the living and dining room. Unfortunately there were
always some minor hassles and after some renovation works I did not
re-install the Pi-speaker combinations after the painters left the
house. We are just listening via an Alexa speaker...

I was thinking about buying some Symfonisk from IKEA, but also wanted to
add a CD-Player to the setup and as I found out this would mean several
hundreds to be spent. 
That Sonos discontinued the devices before 2015 left me quite concerned
about their customer-oriented business (thinking about my brother who
spent 2k€ some years ago for equipment that is not supported with their
new software S2 any more...).

While surfing the net I found an article where someone replaced the
Sonos-internals of a Symfonisk speaker with a Pi Zero and an Hifiberry
Amp. They used a plugin to do the filtering work for certain frequencies
so that the player routes the high frequencies via one stereo channel to
the tweeter and the low frequencies via the other stereo channel to the
midrange driver. 

I found an empty Symfonisk case incl. the drivers for 20€ on ebay
(someone used the internals to convert an active sub into a Sonos sub)
and followed the instructions on raspberry-pi-geek. While looking for
the pre-compiled extension, I found the same article in english on

I did the following:
- copied the asound.conf from the tutorial to /etc/ of the raspberry
  pi without any modifications
- copied the rt-plugins-0.0.6.tcz to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional
- added rt-plugins-0.0.6.tcz to onboot.lst
- activated ladspa extension via the web interface

In general it is working, but it sounds really poor. It does not sound
like this frequency filtering is working.

The tutorial was made for piCorePlayer 6.0.0 and I am not sure if this
makes a difference...
Do I need to modify the asound.conf? 
I am not sure if I can use the pre-compiled extension rt-plugins for pCP
How can I check that the extension is working?
Was is right to acticate the ladspa extension? 

I am a little bit lost, It would be great if someone could help me.

Best regards

joerg74's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=73258
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=117272

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