sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I've been using a Rpi4 with touch screen and Picoreplayer 8 on it for
> many years and I'm quite happy with it.
> However, for a while, I keep asking myself, would there be a difference
> of sound quality with a standalone "audiophile" streamer? (ie: Chord,
> Auralic, Rose, etc..)
> Anybody have been able to test and compare?A few years ago I set up an RPi3B+ 
> streamer using an earlier version
piCorePlayer.  It connected to the DAC in my ATC CDA2 Mk2 CD/DAC/preamp
via USB, driving active ATC 'speakers.   I had set up the RPi to learn
about how the components of a streamer went together, intending to
become an informed purchaser of a commercial product later on.  

After using it for some months I went on a couple of occasions to my
local audio dealer who demonstrated a couple of streamers.  One from
Innuos (the Zenith) and one from dCS (the Bartók).  Neither was
inexpensive (especially the latter).  The Bartók was demonstrated with
the same brand of 'speakers as mine but the next model up the range. 

They were both very fine products.  The comparison was not A vs B at
home. However, neither demonstration convinced me, either sonically or
functionally, to think about paying the substantial extra cost for a
"high-end" streamer.  

I now use separate LMS and Squeezelite implementations from piCorePlayer
8, running on an RPi4B and an RPi3A+.   I still don't feel any
temptation to change on either sonic of functional grounds.

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