On Monday 20 August 2007 11:48am, Lonnie Olson wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 09:27 -0600, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
> > > Yes, they  handle things fairly nicely, but you lose a lot of
> > > control over things like headers (there wasn't anything a sorting
> > > rule could really be built on and
> > > sorting by subject isn't a good idea, but please folks, don't flame
> > > me on
> > > that statement, however, ask if you don't understand me on it).
> >
> > What type of sorting are you looking to do? I haven't ever customized
> > any headers with the UPHPU list.
> Does Google Groups use standard mailing list headers?  I am specifically
> interested in the List-* headers.

No they don't (at least, not on the lists that I've seen).

> I use some of them for my personal 
> filtering.

Same here.

> I use a single procmail filter rule that sorts my mailing list
> subscriptions into folders automatically.  If the Google Groups doesn't
> add the proper headers, I can cope, but it's just not as cool.

The headers are the right way to filter, though.  I think we really need/want 

> ------------
> :0
> * ^List-Id:.*<\/[-_a-z]+
> * ^List-Post
> .lists.${MATCH}/
> --------------
Lamont Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Founder [ http://blog.OpenBrainstem.net/peregrine/ ]
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