Well, I'd love to rename the file, but didn't think I'd have as good a shot at getting consensus buy-in for that. I do think it could be confusing for upgraders and therefore thought I'd get some push back.

I'd also like to try this under Tomcat 6 sometime, but I just don't have the cycles to do that this week. I think a more important step is to fix the Portlet deployment situation so it doesn't rewrite the web.xml to a an ancient servlet spec version, which makes using any of the latest servlet/jsp stuff impossible (which is presumably one reason you'd be using Tomcat 6).

If I did make a suggestion for the renaming, it would probably be to rename it "uPortal_tomcat_5.5.xml" or something similar. I always thought "uportal.xml" and "uportal55.xml" suggested a problem with the 'naming convention'.

But overall at this point, I'd rather make the very very small, slight change of simply removing the Tomcat 5.0 config file and commented out lines from build.properties. This change would not it impossible to do any other rename change in the future, it's just a step along the way.

---- Cris J H

Jason Shao wrote:
On Jun 15, 2007, at 11:36 PM, Andrew Petro wrote:
1. Should the current uPortal55.xml file be renamed to uPortal.xml? This would be consistent with past practice, but potentially confusing for upgraders. Or Does uPortal{VERSION}.xml become the new naming convention? Or is there tooling that can always generate the right target file for us?
2. Do we need a tweaked file for Tomcat 6?


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