Ok, I'm asking here, because my main purpose for doing this is to benefit the uPortal community. Although, it's not a specific uPortal question.

I am currently the maintainer of a "Google Portlet" on the code.google.com hosting site. This portlet was exchanged in uPortal 2.6 for a version that could no longer be used by 'new' adopters.

Anyway, with uPortal 3.0 moving to a maven build, it would be helpful for as many of it's dependencies as possible (all, would be nice) to be maven dependencies and in the central repository.

So, I'd like to do my part and get my google portlet into the maven repository. I have read this guide at the maven web site.


And I'm confused about the 'sync' approach. I find it odd, but entirely possible, that by having chosen google code to host the project, I will be unable to use the 'sync' approach. Does anyone have experience with this? Or more generally does anyone have experience with getting artifacts in the maven repository at all? I'm looking for help, and my Google searches so far have not turned up much help.

---- Cris J H

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