
Eric Dalquist wrote:


On Feb 5, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Drew Wills <awi...@unicon.net> wrote:

+1 from me.

drew wills

Jen Bourey wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'd like to nominate Matt Polizzotti for commit access for uPortal. For those of you who don't know him, he is a Unicon developer and has been instrumental in fixing a number of the CSS and Javascript bugs in uPortal 3.x. In particular, he's provided patches for some of the persistent IE 6 and 7 issues we've had that have been difficult to debug. Matt's also implemented large parts of the UP-2047 work (the proposed portlet manager portlet: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/Portlet+Manager+Portlet). He also was involved in the Johns Hopkins mobile theme work. I've really appreciated Matt's assistance and fixes, and to date, I've happily applied patches on his behalf. However, I'd love for him to be able to contribute to the uPortal project without having to wait on me. He has some great work planned helping us clean up our current CSS stylesheets and update them to better support Safari, as well as adding some cool new features. Also, once we move the UP-2047 development over to the uPortal trunk, allowing Matt to continue to easily collaborate on that work would greatly help that ticket's progress.
- Jen
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Andrew Wills
Office:  (480) 558-2476

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