
While working on design of 3.1.0, the easiest solution i found was just creating completely new skin. We're trying to implement different skins with same layout (a bit different from default uportal3). To achieve that we're adopting some parts of yui guidelines - we're creating layout.css and colors.css (we're pretty happy with default fonts from FSS).

About namespacing - thats wasn't an issue. We removed all those namespaces from our .css files to improve readability (and decrease file size). Although I don't see any disadvantages of using namespaces.

CSS spec in JSR168 is far from perfect. And it looks like JSR286 won't fix that. I would like to use standard HTML structure (cleaner code), but so far we have used portlet spec as much as it is possible. I totally agree with things said in http://www.unicon.net/node/730


Arlo White wrote:
I just migrated our custom skin from an older 3.1 trunk version to 3.1.0-GA. In my opinion, the FSS style namespacing is one of the lesser issues. It's easy to just global replace "fl-theme-uportal3". Granted it did bite me a few times. For example, I forgot to replace uportal3 in the *portlet_content.css file and so those styles weren't taking affect until I caught it.

I'm fairly happy with the styling and structure of the theme and uportal skin overall. The only real difficulty I encountered was with single column portal screens. In our skin the columns are surrounded by a top gradient and two curved corners. In the CSS file the curves are within the .left and .right columns. However, the single column doesn't have this convention (because it's a single column). So I had to implement these same features differently within the single column's inner components. Even though it's not technically correct it would make skinning easier if the single column had extra div elements with .left and .right so you didn't have to worry about writing more CSS statements to accommodate single portal columns.

Another issue is understanding the new .fl css. (fl-tabs, fl-listmenu, etc) When I first looked at the new FSS skin for uportal3 I couldn't understand how these were used. fl-tabs seemed to affect the navigation tabs in some ways. I wasn't clear if the idea was that fl-tabs would define colors and fonts and the navigation tabs would set the background-images or what. If I want tabs in my portlets should I use fl-tabs? Is their a JSR 168 standard for tabs?

The .fl-listmenu seems to only be used in sidebars. So I styled it to look good on the dark background of the sidebar. However, I'm now unsure if it might be used within portlets, where my color choices would look bad against a white background.

An explanation of what these new CSS conventions are used for would be helpful.

My next concerns are with portlet CSS. I'm still not clear what the correct approach for styling portlets is. Should we try to use JSR 168 as much as possible or should we just use standard html structure except where it's necessary to use some CSS classes.

For example, for a main heading in a portlet, should I just use an h1 tag? (Styled by fluid.theme.*.css .fl-theme-mycp3 h1)
Or should I use JSR168 (.portlet-section-header)

Looking at PLT.C.4 I'm a little confused how to use it. Should my structure look something like this?
<div class="portlet-section-header">My Heading</div>
<div class="portlet-section-body">
<div class="portlet-section-subheader">Sub Section Heading</div>

<div class="portlet-section-footer" />

Looking at the jsr168.css file I see stuff like .portlet-menu. Should I use this or .fl-listmenu?

I think it would make more sense to move all styles in fluid.theme.*.css that affect portlet content to *_portlet_content.css. (The h1,h2,a styles) Or else be more clear about what they're used for. For example: /* This is the default h1,h2 styling for use in the theme, you should use JSR168 standards for your portlets, e.g. portlet-section-header instead of h1 */

I think people would really appreciate a broader overview of these topics and good CSS practices as it relates to the portal. Maybe this can be added to the uPortal 3 manual and a link could be put in the main CSS file so people aren't so confused.

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