Hi all,
In case you did not see the recent emails regarding the March Jasig conference call for proposals, I am sending it to these lists as well. We have some great keynote speakers lined up and a number of good session proposals have come in. We still have room for more and we have extended the call for proposals until next Wednesday, November 25th. I whole heartedly encourage you to submit a proposal on interesting work you are doing around uPortal, portlets, Java technologies, web development, or other open source topics. As you know, our community is very welcoming and presenting at one of our conferences is a great experience. First time presenters are encouraged to submit!

We will be opening registration soon but in the mean time we are waiting for you to submit your session proposal at http://www.ja-sig.org/jasigconf/call-form.jsp?conf_id=jasig17   Get your proposal in now, before that turkey tryptophan kicks in!


The Proposal deadline for Jasig's March 2010 conference has been extended one more week until Wednesday, November 25th.  If you are doing innovative work in technology for higher education, we welcome you to submit a presentation!

We want to hear about new projects, large and small, and new technologies that will have an impact on higher education in the years to come.

Join us in San Diego this March:

Ten Years of Open Source Innovation
March 8 - 10, 2009

The Town and Country Resort, San Diego, California

Supplementary Seminars on March 7th and the afternoon of March 10th
Developer Workshops, March 11 - 12

Call for Proposals now open
Deadline for submission of proposals for half or full day seminars has passed and will not be extended
Deadline for submission of proposals for all other sessions: extended to November 25, 2009

Conference site: http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/10spring/index.html

Dear Colleague:

Help us celebrate Jasig's 10th anniversary in San Diego with outstanding speakers and special events.

The focus is on innovation this year. We'll be highlighting new and established work from higher education institutions:  Projects you should know about; local projects in search of community; creative work by established communities of practice; projects that exist only as a gleam in the eye of a creative developer.

Come and see presentations and seminars on new technologies soon to impact higher education.  We're seeking talks on topics such as Scala, Spring 3, deployment to the Cloud, Groovy, Grails, REST, Jersey, mobile applications, etc.

We invite you to propose talks, seminars, birds-of-a-feather sessions, demos, and poster session displays on new and current campus applications: Enterprise portlets, CAS, uPortal, Bedework Calendar, Identity & Access Management, Fluid, ESUP Helpdesk, OpenRegistry, Sakai, Kuali, Internet2 Middleware Solutions, Fedora and DSpace, and others.

Talks will be presented in one of four tracks:

  • Designing & Developing
    For developers, architects, UX designers, testers. Presentations for people who build applications.
  • Deploying & Integrating
    For people who need to make applications work on campus: developers, content providers, team leaders, evangelists. In particular, we would like to highlight work that integrates open source projects within the enterprise infrastructure and with each other.
  • Managing & Governing
    What are best practices for managing community source projects or their deployments on campus? For encouraging adoption? For gaining acceptance and campus buy-in? For engaging your community in the processes? Presentations for managers, team leaders, executives, planners and strategists.
  • Looking Ahead
    What are the technologies that will impact higher education in the coming years? What project work, prototypes, plans, and local campus applications would you like to share with a community of your peers?

Half-day Supplementary Seminars will be held in the morning and afternoon on Sunday, March 7th as well as on Wednesday (March 10th) afternoon.

Proposals may be entered on the Jasig Conference Website. Proposalsrequire a Title, an Abstract (under 500 words), a Presenter Profile, and some basic affiliation information.  This year we are also asking proposal submitters to select tags that best describe their proposals.

Submit your proposal directly at http://www.ja-sig.org/jasigconf/call-form.jsp?conf_id=jasig17 or from the conference home page, where you can find all the details: http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/10spring/index.html (Click the Call for Proposals link on the left).

We look forward to seeing you at Ten Years of Open Source Innovation!

-The Jasig 2010 Spring Conference Planning Committee

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