
Just to clarify, this only affects the uPortal part of Jasig subversion starting with the following directory and all subdirectories, correct?:

In other words, those with Jasig subversion access to the following will not be kept from committing to the following, correct?:

And could you provide a deadline to when you are going to delete/disable svn accounts if agreements are not signed by that date and time? Is there a way to apply for an extension if someone is waiting on the agreement to be approved, and how should that be done, and how would that be handled? And if there are plans to disable access to the other parts of the repositories at a later date, could you provide information on plans and deadlines for those also? And will all previous tags, branches, etc. be converted to the Apache 2.0 license, and if not, does the new agreement permit those to work on older tags and branches that were licensed differently, since I'm assuming that the agreement (iirc) requires all work to be done under the Apache 2.0 license? Also, will there be a message in svn for older committers that try to commit but can't indicating how they can easily (re)apply for access if access is denied? Will access also be changed for the wiki, jira, and other tools provided by Jasig? Will this affect CAS and any other projects in process of being adopted like Bedework, and if so, does a single contributor license cover all of those projects?

Sorry for all of the questions!

Thanks in advance,


Eric Dalquist wrote:
As part of the ongoing Jasig effort to switch to the Apache 2.0 license uPortal 3.2 will be released under Apache 2.0. As part of that effort Jasig is requiring that all active developers sign an Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA).

We have a number of developers that have already taken this step but not all. To that end we will be removing commit access to the uPortal project for all developers without an ICLA on file with Jasig. For those developers that are loosing commit access due to this action, access can be easily restored simply by providing the Jasig with the ICLA documentation.

The following list are the developers with current SVN accounts, that have previously committed on the uPortal project and have an ICLA on file:

For the ICLA form and more information about the Jasig licensing policy:

For a complete list of developers with completed ICLAs:

For a complete list of developers that have committed on the uPortal project and the date of their last commit:

If you have any questions about this change or interest in becoming a committer on the uPortal project please feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you,
-Eric Dalquist

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