At the Unconference, I volunteered to document the default personDirectoryContext.xml.  In the course of documenting configuration instructions and examples for the most common Person Directory basics, I realized that this powerful API and all the existing implementations should to be documented.  Even if I could correctly write documentation for all the classes as currently implemented, the wiki is bound to fall out of date as soon as any change is made to the code base.  My thinking is that the best way to ensure that the documentation is current is to link to an html published version of the JavaDoc.  I have two questions for the list:
  1. Do you agree that having JavaDoc published somewhere on the web is a good idea?  See, for example, where you can browse to the javadoc for any version.
  2. Is this something the existing build infrastructure could do - at least when a release is tagged?

Susan Bramhall (
Enterprise Architect
Yale University Information Technology Services (ITS)
25 Science Park, 150 Munson St, New Haven, CT 06520
Phone:  203 432 6697

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