It has to be inside of uPortal. I'm not that familiar with the CPD registration code but it would be neat to extend uPortal to do something like check in the META-INF directory of every portlet webapp for .cpd files and auto-register them. I really don't know what would be involved with that on the uPortal side but you can get access to files in another context via:



On 3/2/11 4:51 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

I have a CPD for a portlet and up until now have been placing it into 
uportal-war/src/main/resources/org/jasig/portal/channels/ and then rebuilding 
the uPortal war. I then run a crn-import on a .channel-type I have that 
references the CPD. It is fine for the channel-type to be external to uportal 
as I have access to the crn-import Ant task.

For more details, see Step 1 here:

My question is do I need to have the CPD inside uPortal for it to be registered 
or is there a similar task I can run to get it registered? I'd like to keep it 
in my portlet if at all possible.


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