We (UW) actually did this in our fork. I wasn't sure if the community would 
want it, but if you want to check it out its right here:


Basically just changes container to container-fluid. We needed to do this 
because we added a custom region called "global-sidebar-left" which is for a 
slide out page level menu on medium/small screens. If others are interested I 
can post a PR on master for it.

- Tim

On 05-07-14, Drew Wills  wrote:
> I am okay with the proposal.
> FWIW I had previously been thinking we should talk about either going this 
> direction or at least widening the fixed width.
> drew
> On 05/07/2014 10:42 AM, James Wennmacher wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I propose that we change the Respondr theme to be fluid width (e.g. full
> >width) instead of the fixed-width format where Bootstrap have a
> >fixed-width for the rows and centers the content in the viewport for
> >devices >= 768px (see http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid). We can
> >consider asking the uportal-user community, but from talking to a few
> >people it seems there was not a strong design decision to limit the
> >viewing to the fixed-widths<http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid>. I
> >personally have found it annoying and limiting. Bootstrap's main site
> >uses fixed-width and so do many other bootstrap sites, but I'm told many
> >other bootstrap sites do not.
> >
> >Advantages of full width:
> >
> > * Can display more information wider, especially with the
> > preponderance of wide-screen monitors where height is often limited
> > so you do more vertical scrolling.
> > * With Bootstrap's general tendency to make items bigger so they are
> > more easily accessed by a finger on a mobile device, on a desktop
> > and some landscape-oriented tablets it would be helpful to have the
> > greater width to display content since you typically have 2 or more
> > columns.
> > * Puts Respondr on-par with Universality in this aspect.
> >
> >Disadvantages of full width:
> >
> > * If you are restricted to widths of <750px, 750px, 970px, and 1170px
> > it makes testing easier since you don't have to figure out how to
> > handle widths outside that restricted set.
> >
> >To use full width is actually very easy. We replace the class
> >'container' with 'container-fluid' on the markup generated by the XSL.
> >We could make it fairly easy to configure in the XSL with a default of
> >full width.
> >
> >Thoughts?
> >
> >--
> >James Wennmacher - Unicon
> >480.558.2420
> >
> >--
> >
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