
I'm in the process of making a new application for music schools, using
ur/web for front and backend. I'm at the point where I have two customers
and am starting to implement support for multiple clients/tenants in one DB
(postgres). I've been planning to implement multitenancy from the start,
but haven't had the time yet.

Has anyone implemented a form of multitenancy in ur/web before?

I see two areas that need consideration.

1. Deciding which user belongs to which tenant. Ideally I'd have a seperate
url for each tenant that I can give out to my clients (=the schools), do
some dns magic to send them all to the same exe, extract the tenantname
from the url and save the tenantId in a cookie. Also ideally, the user's
url would not change, ie. All urls should go to myschool.coolschools.be
during a session, not getting redirected at all. This is all in an ideal
situation of course.

2. Database access: I'll have tenantId columns in all tables + foreign keys
and indexes on these columns. I'm a bit afraid I'll forget adding tenantId
= cookie.tenantid somewhere, so I was thinking I could make a function that
takes a sql_exp and a tenantId and adds these clauses to all tables
involved. Not 100% sure that will work but I think it's possible, I haven't
had to dive into the internals of sql_exp yet. Secondly, I wonder if I can
somehow declare my endpoints to be tenantdepandent (all but the most
general will be) maybe via newtyping the transaction datatype and then
allowing the execute only sql queries that have the above function applied.
Just dreaming out loud here.

I'd be very interested in any ideas or examples!

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