So, we make them rich by smoking while we are broke because all the money we have is spent on cigarettes. Sugan we ayeuna mah nyarahoeun nya? Alung keun eta asbak kana wadah runtah lah.

abah kasep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
tah ieu aossss... ngartos pan? :)
Assalamualaikum, WRWB
For all my bro and sis,,Believe it or not...... 1. Total World Population: 6.5 Billion 2. Total Muslims in the world : 2 Billion 3. Total Smokers in the world : 1.15 billion 4. Total Muslim smokers in the world :400 million 5. Largest Cigarette maker is Phillip Morris 6. Phillip Morris donates 12% profits to Israel 7. Total Muslim money to Morris $800 million DAILY 8. Average profit margin is 10% 9. Average profit for Morris is $80 million DAILY 10. Thus $9.6 million of Muslim money goes to Israel every single DAY .......yes DAY!!! Pass this on to all the Muslims you can and don't help funding the Jews to kill our brothers. May ALLAH forgive us all.

(anu ngirimna!)

iva wanti <> wrote:
Yu Ya Yuuuuuu.....( tembal Sogi hehehe)
Neng Iva

Roro Rohmah <> wrote:
Hwahaha....eta mah disapih atuh Neng! Tapi sigana matih oge metode kitu kanggo ngalirenkeun ngaroko teh nyaaa....??? Ah, duka teuing ketang...hoyong ebreh???!! Urang taroskeun ka Kang Runa....yuuuuukkkk.... (macana siga Tora).
>>> 08/09/06 01:38PM >>>
Geuning ceu, ari para ibu nu bade kakandungan deui, budakna atawa nu jadi calon lanceukna sok diporotan, boh sok nganggo bulao, obat merah, atawa sabangsaning anu pait2, biasana pan sok matih. Boa kang runa ge samemeh ngiseup, rokona dicelupkeun kana bulao heula.....heuheuheu
Neng Iva

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