Tah upami Emang hoyong dugi ka golodog mah tiasa nganggo Cipaganti  telpon
we ka 021-5594343,
mung rada awis sakedik upami dibandingkeun sareng Primajasa mah.

-----Original Message-----
From: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of kumincir
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 5:03 PM
To: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] Baraya, Help Me Euy! Transport Cengkareng -

Mung wayahna, turunna teu tiasa dikiri-kiri... kedah wae di BSM.

On 9/17/07, kumincir < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
.net > wrote: 

Abdi mah kamari nganggo Primajasa nu ka BSM, Mang... Konterna di terminal...
(naon nya, poho deui), gigireun McD/KFC asana mah... Pokona mah kaluar ti
terminal kadatangan teh ka katuhu we (ngalawan arus kendaraan), mapah
sakedix... Enggal2 buking we, soalna pami dina waktos2 padet mah bisi
beakeun korsi


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