Aya ahli herbal, namina Pa Rustan, linggih di kompleks GBI. Anjeunna, salah saurang pendiri Koperasi Sarakan, padamel Biofarma, tos ngaluarkeun sababaraha jenis herbal kayaning: Garlic (bawang bodas), Antanan, Rosella, Curcuma, Andorium, Anti Maag, Jinten, sareng sajabina. Atuh anjeunna oge tiasa ngadamel racikan herbal luyu jeung pesenan keur panyawat-pnyawat khusus, kalebet diabetes. No hp-na, mangga ieu : +6281322770581. Upami kaleresan anjeunna sibuk, tiasa hubungi abdi, ke didugikeun.
Pamugi aya manfaatna. manAR --- In urangsunda@yahoogroups.com, "Waluya, Dani R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Baraya's, > Dupi aya nu uninga ubar diabetes ?ceuk cnah ubarna teh loba ; aya > buncis, wortel, undur2, dugi ka minyak tanah sasendok unggal bade kulem, > saenyana gula darah teh panyakit anu berbahaya kusabab bisa ngaruksak > organ nu lain, dupi aya saderek anu uninga, tiasa ngabagi info. nuhun. > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > This message (including any attachments) is only for the use of the person(s) for whom it is intended. It may contain Mattel confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy, distribute or use this information for any purpose, and you should delete this message and inform the sender immediately. >