Leres pisan anu dicarioskeun ku kang Ikmal teh, abdi oge satuju. Rupina tos waktosna ki kuncen turun supados ieu babakan tiasa tiis deui, diemutan atos.... aya anu bandel mah... moderate we...
-----Original Message----- From: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ikmal Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:51 AM To: Urang Sunda Subject: [Urang Sunda] Minangsaraya ka KUNCEN Kahatur ki kuncen anu aya di babakan, ditengetan mingkin dieu teh babakan geningan sanes tiis, kalakah hayoh wae silih tempas silih jejeleh, ari masalah kayakina jeung prinsip hirup nepi kamana wae oge pasti silih pakeukeuh-keukeuh, sigana nepi ka silih paehan oge moal nepi ka sapamadegan, komo masalah anu sensitif mah, era atuh euy!!!! Oge ka palawargi sadaya nyuhunkeun jembar manah, tong sok nyieun pucuk ti girang, oge ka wargi sanesna, pami aya postingan anu matak pipaseaeun tong di bales, antepkeun wae ngocoblak sorangan, da engke ge cape meureun, piraku taya kacape jeung kaera mah!! ka ki kuncen nyuhunkeun bantosan nana, bilih tea mah saha wae anu sok nyuein pucuk ti girang, atuh di mderate wae, kumaha upami kitu.....Ngerakeun pisan ih, lamun tea mah di moderate ku kuncen teh!! pami henteu sim kuring nyuhunkeun dikaluarkeun dina pajemuhan iyeu, dan milis mah lain didieu wungkul!!! hatur nuhun, baktos, ikmal IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information in this email (and any attachments) is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the information. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify me by "Reply" command and permanently delete the original and any copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by American International Group, Inc. or its subsidiaries or affiliates either jointly or severally, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.