Aya anu tos janten...spesial 220 Volt...nganggo photo sensor..pasang
sensorna di garasi atanapi dimana wae....bel na di kamar tidur...Tambihan
pasang CCTV di garasi.monitorna di kamar tidur .sareng pasang sirene dina
kenteng...pasang switch sirene di kamar tidur.janten mun sensor photo
mangguhan gariong..bel bunyi..tingali dina CCTV..teras pencet Sirene (anu
tarik (4 inci lah)...pasti garong kabur..tatangga gujrud....

On 7/18/08, Dirgahayu, Rachman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Kumaha lamun alarm mobil dipasangkeun dina imah, tiasa ?
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* urangsunda@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Emod Morales
> *Sent:* July 18, 2008 09:46 AM
> *To:* urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [Urang Sunda] Re: SAFETY
> Nambihan sauted Kang
> Remot alarem mobil atawa motor candak ka pangkeng (keukeupan he..he),
> nalika tengah peuting aya sora kokolatrakan (nu nyurigakeun) tinggal mencet
> alarem mobil atawa motor, sugan tatangga kagareuwahkeun.
> Emod,
> 2008/7/17 Djodi Ismanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>      Dear Mas Heru ,
>> Artikel untuk HSE perusahaan sih belum punya , tetapi kalau Safety untuk
>> pribadi n lingkungan sekitar coba lihat pada attachment.
>> Regards,
>> Djodi Ismanto
>> www.djodiismanto.blogspot.com
>> --- On *Thu, 7/17/08, Priyanto, Heru-Catur <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>> From: Priyanto, Heru-Catur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: SAFETY
>> To: "Djodi Ismanto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 12:20 AM
>> Dear Pak Djodi,
>> Apa punya artikel / presentasi tentang Safety Pak.
>> Mohon bisa di share dong..Pak
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Heru Catur P
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Djodi Ismanto
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:52 AM
>> To: Manager Indonesia; trainersclub club; Kuningan Asri; urang sunda;
>> CiR; erni muis; erny muis; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>> achmad budiono; Hani Ristanto; jodi hendrikus; yusep saputra; meity
>> kania; jetty muryati; timur budi; Beti Nurbaeti; Tanti; Ika; Neny;
>> Lubis, Burhanudin; agus hartono; Topan Suryadi; Fachri Hasibuan; setyo
>> hadi; Agus Susilo; iraldy isfa; aminullah ktb; Deddy Setiawan; dedi
>> mulya; Eddy Chandra; dani kustoni; dani kustoni; M Nuh; Risna Rah; ratih
>> irawati; Sahman Dede; asep dasuki; asep dasuki; asep t; asepivo asep;
>> aser tatang; aerospace Indonesia; irwan hadi; adjeng t; Jajang
>> Supriatna; eris riso; affandi; aherd
>> Subject: [Manager-Indonesia] Slide tentang Penipuan di ATM
>> --- On Mon, 7/14/08, Imam Purwanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>      From: Imam Purwanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>      Subject: [rezaervani] [INFO] Slide tentang Penipuan di ATM
>>      Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 10:52 PM
>>      Assalamualaikum wr wb.
>>      hati-hati dan selalu hati-hati
>>      wasalam
>>      ip
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