 Punten pisan abdi teu acan nepangkeun nyalira maklum nuju sibuk pisan ngejar 
target upami to kaping 20an he he, tapi abdi neme join millist dua dinten 
sareng ayeuna, sakanteun deui punten pisan kasadayan. Abdi oge asli urang sunda 
tapi ageung di mana - mana numawi bahasa sunda kirang sae yeuh! upami no telp 
ka kantor bae di 7291766 ext 101 
Hatur nuhun
Marlia H W (lia)

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Heryadi, Eddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Heryadi, Eddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Urang Sunda] Cararape euy?
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 3:26 AM

Aduh punteh eneng / teteh... tadi teh nu katinggal nami pengkerna ...Hadi....
salam pawanoh atuh nya....  
Dupi teteh teh kawit ti mana ? no hp na? ...hehehe jadi kateterasan. .. ;D

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:urangsunda@ yahoogroups. com]On Behalf 
Of Marlia hadi
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: [Urang Sunda] Cararape euy?

Punten sanes akang, tapi nyai baraya!

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, Heryadi, Eddy <Eddy.Heryadi@> wrote:

From: Heryadi, Eddy <Eddy.Heryadi@>
Subject: RE: [Urang Sunda] Cararape euy?
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 2:21 AM

Bulan ditatanggung mah.... beurat atuh kang... heheh

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:urangsunda@ yahoogroups. com]On Behalf 
Of Marlia hadi
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] Cararape euy?

Punten nuju tanggung bulan he he!

--- On Thu, 7/24/08, irpan rispandi <mr.rispandi@> wrote:

From: irpan rispandi <mr.rispandi@>
Subject: [Urang Sunda] Cararape euy?
Date: Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12:38 AM


baraya kusnet cararape-eun.
euweuh nu ngomong jiji acan.

euy, baraya, kumaha HBH teh jadi teu.

aing mah teu baleg, cenah silaturahmi teh gede pahalana.
tapi diajak silaturahmi teu daraek.

teu barogaeun duit keur ka tempat HBH siganamah nya.

Boke yeuh boke..

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