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Perihal    :    Undangan Public Consultation


Dengan hormat,

Brighten Institute bekerjasama dengan Food and Agriculture Organization
Korea (Korea FAO Association) mengundang Bapak untuk hadir dalam Public
Consultation dengan tema "Challenge to Current  Agriculture Development in
Indonesia: Competition between Biofuel and Food Security" yang akan
diselenggarakan pada:

Hari, Tanggal        : Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008
Waktu                  : 09.00 sd 16.00 WIB
Tempat                : Ruang EF,  IPB International Convention Center
                             Botani Square Pajajaran, Bogor (sebelah gedung
Alumni IPB, dekat terminal Baranang Siang)

Mengingat pentingnya acara ini bagi ketahanan pangan dan energi nasional,
maka kami sangat mengharapkan kehadiran Rekan-rekan semua untuk hadir acara
tersebut. Atas perhatiannya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Kami,
Direktur Brighten Institute,

Dr. Harianto

Cp. Retna (085.6761.2062) dan Dwi (0813.1571.1781)
Brighten Institute
Tlp. 0251-832.3080
Fax. 0251-835.7326

Term of Reference
Public Consultation on



Food security, as the most basic human right, and energy security, as a
critical condition for economic progress, are the greatest concerns of the
government and the nation of Indonesia. The high prices of agriculture
commodities and energy have put significant challenges and opportunities to
food and energy securities.
Increasing fossil oil price has accelerated efforts to develop bio-fuel
industry. Bio-fuel could be particularly helpful to reduce energy
vulnerabilities, but there is more to it. Bio-fuels are a source of clean
and cheap renewable energy and, in addition, can generate income and jobs,
especially in rural area where they contribute to sustaining a flourishing
agriculture. If adopted thoughtfully, bio-fuels may rescue nations from food
and energy insecurity.
Aware of potential profit, private sector has played its role in such
development, inducing an increase in demand for land. This may have led the
country to face a new challenge in the form of competition in the land uses
between bio-energy development and food security. Therefore, there is a
critical need to have a national strategy/policy that can minimize, if not
at all eliminate, such a competition.
The fight against poverty must mean first and foremost, stimulating the
dormant potentialities for food production in the most vulnerable areas.
Massive investment in research and development for crop productivity
improvement is necessary.

Trade off between food security and energy security will occur if the major
problems of infrastructure availability particularly land is not seriously
solved. Without sufficient size of land extensification, the risk of trade
off between food security and energy security will be high and increasing. A
comprehensive approach in order to develop bio-fuel without jeopardizing
food security is needed. It has to pass a series of tests concerning
appropriateness of (1) legal support, (2) institutional aspect, (3) social
economic dimension, (4) financial/incentive support, and (5) proper
Therefore, a comprehensive agricultural policy framework is necessary to
guide the development of bio-fuel without causing bad effect on food
security. The policy framework should properly cover all the aspects that
have been mention above. Moreover, it must also in line with food and energy
development's goal to reach sustainability in the future.


The Public Consultation is the fourth program—after the workshop held on May
2008, the 1st and 2nd FGD conducted on June 2008 and October 2008,
respectively—under the collaborative study between Brighten Institute and
the Korea FAO Association on "Challenge to Current Agricultural Development
in Indonesia: Competition Between Bio-energy and Food Security".
The objective of the study is to carry out an agricultural policy analysis,
ultimate results of which are strategic policy options that could be
implemented for developing bio-fuel with minimum-possible-adverse effects on
food security and greater benefits for the poor. Through the previous
programs, the study has covered analysis of current situation or content
analysis, analysis on probable competition between bio-fuel and food
security, and formulation of a set of policy options.
In particular, this occasion is purported to discuss the results obtained
from the analysis on likely effects of implementation of the policy options
thoroughly by prominent speakers and main stakeholders in order to have a
sound agricultural policy framework.
The result raised from the public consultation is expected to become an
important input for the authority to refine the development strategy
ensuring that bio-fuel development and food security strengthening would not
be competing uncontrollably.


The Public Consultation will consist of two presentation sessions, which are
the presentation from Brighten Institute at the first, and the other two
presentations at the second session. Every presentation session will be
followed by discussion, which consist of comments from invited experts and
then discussion involving entire participants.
Presentation from Brighten Institute is planned to cover the following.
    Analysis of the issues and probable competition between the bio-fuel
development and food security maintaining
    Policy options that need to consider in developing bio-fuel with
minimum-possible-adverse effects on food security and greater benefits for
the poor in the future. It includes the analysis of some other countries
experience (especially Philippines and Korea) in formulating the policy
    Analysis on likely impacts or effects of implementation of the policy
The other two presentations, especially, will cover the following aspects of
the policy formulation:
    Institutional arrangement needed in handling the sustainable bio-fuel
development, especially after the Timnas era.
    How to manage the technological aspect needed to undertake the
sustainable bio-fuel development?

The discussion is expected to cover points as follow:
    What are strategic issues that will need to be considered in the
future, particularly in the aspect of institutional, legal, financial or
fiscal, and economic, and how do the short as well as long-term effects of
the particular issue to the competition between bio-fuel development and
food security maintaining ?
    How to formulate the agricultural policy framework in developing
bio-fuel with minimum-possible-adverse effects on food security and greater
benefits for the poor ?
    How to ensure that the policy formulation resulted will have
probability to be implemented ?


Time    : Thursday, October 30, 2008
Venue    : IPB International Convention Center, Jl. Raya Pajajaran Bogor

08.30-09.00 wib    Registrasi
09.00-09.45 wib    Pembukaan (Dr. Harianto, Direktur Brighten)
    Pengarahan Menteri (Keynote Speech)
1.    Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro
2.    Dr. Anton Apriyantono

09.45-10.00 wib    Rehat Kopi

10.00-12.00 wib    Sesi I
    Pembicara :
1.    Dr. D.S. Priyarsono ( Brighten Institute )
2.    Dr. Seong He-Lee (Korea FAO Association)
3.    Dr. Il Gin-Mok (Korea FAO Association)
4.    Dr. Don Antiporta (Filipino Expert)
    Pembahas :
1.    Dr. Larry Chee-Yoong Wong (Institute of Strategic and International
Studies, Malaysia)
2.    Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin ( Universitas Lampung )
 Moderator: Prof Bonar Sinaga (IPB)

12.00-13.00 wib    Rehat Makan Siang

13.00-16.00 wib    Sesi II
    Pembicara :
1.    Prof. Dr. Endang  Gumbira Sa'id ( IPB )
2.    Prof. Dr. Wahono Sumaryono ( BPPT )
    Pembahas :
1.    Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Suryana, M.S. ( Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan,
Deptan )
2.    Dr. Ing. Evita H. Legowo ( Dirjen Migas, Departemen ESDM )
3.    Ir. Prasetyo Sunaryo, MT ( BPPT )
Moderator: Dr Fadhil Hasan (INDEF)

16.00-16.30 wib    Penutupan (Prof. Dr. Hermanto Siregar, Brighten

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