Akang / Teteh,

Td enjing kuring ninggali beja di TV yen keur malem taun baru teh loba kajadian 
kajahatan, garelut, mabok jeung sajabana. Asa sedih ninggali bangsa urang teh, 
masih keneh kapikiran mabok jeung ngahamburkeun duit dina kaayaan keur ripuh 
siga kieu. Ceuk ekonom nu kuring kenal, krisis ieu bisa leuwih parah tibatan 
taun 98 mun teu gancang dibenerkeun. Komo deui karek kamari keneh dulur urang 
di Palestina dibombardir ku Israel laknatullah. Lain na kuring sok suci, da 
dosa kuring ge sagunung, tp cik atuh mikir deui mun hayang miceun duit mah. 
Kamari tgl 31 kantor kuring ngirim bewara ngarah bubar jam 2 bisi macet, kuring 
langsung we mangkat ti Sudirman ka masjid At-Tin di TMII da ceunah maca di 
republika aya dzikir nasional. Tah ieu alus yeuh acara teh mere alternatif jang 
acara taun baru. Kacida eta urang republika loba pahalana nyieun acara siga 
kitu. Salah sahiji nu mere elmuna nyaeta ketua MPR RI,  Hidayat Nur Wahid. 
Nyarita naha ceunah Palestina teh can merdeka wae, ari Israel na mah geus puguh 
kudu dilaknat, tp sabenerna aya masalah dijero Palestina oge nu matak hese 
merdeka nyaeta rakyat Palestina na kurang bersatu, dipecah belah siga urang 
harita dijajah jepang jeung walanda. Tah eta licik na israel teh, jaba didukung 
ku Bush si sapatu tea. Bangsa luar Palestina siga bangsa urang nu kudu 
ngabantuan ngarah Palestina teu misah-misah, tp eta bagean na diplomat luhur. 
Ari urang mah cukup doa jeung materi we heula.
Kamari  aya Kang Abik nyarita yen tukang milem dina Ketika Cinta Bertasbih teh 
urang Palestina oge. Dulur2na loba nu matuh di jalur gaza. Typical urang gaza 
teh sifat na patriot, matakna nu di bom ku israel langsung dijalur gaza. Eta 
dulurna tukang milem teh geus puluhan taun hirup di gaza, ngan sakali pernah 
indit ka luar palestina nyaeta ka rumah sakit Kairo pedah lengeun jeung sukuna 
dipotong Israel, tp pas cageur teuteup balik ka gaza deui.

Dihandap ieu aya artikel ti salah sahiji nu ngabantuan Perancis ngalawan Nazi 
di perang dunia ka 2. Loba nyarita misi Israel didunia. 
Mudah2an aya manfaatna 


Adhitya Nugraha




   During World War 2, I was in the French Resistance fighting the Nazi enemy. 
There were some Jews among us but we hardly noticed this.  As a matter of fact, 
Jews were no problem at all.  But then appeared the Zionists, some of whom were 
Jews, some were not and some were anti-Jewish.  They easily took power in 
Israel, invented all sorts of propaganda to make credulous people believe that 
they were victims instead of being the real aggressors and THEY thus succeeded 
in setting their great project in operation.  What great project?     This 
great project is the well known Depopulation Agenda whereby the whole world is 
to be depopulated except for Israel.  The reason for this is that according to 
the Zionist propaganda ONLY THE ISRAELIS ARE HUMAN while all other people are 
animals who can and should be killed.  In other words, ordinary Jews, just like 
ordinary U.S. "citizens" are O.K., they wouldn't hurt a fly.  But then who are 
the mass murderers? It is . . . 
2. THE ZIONISTS          The mass murderers are the Zionists who are the 
genocidal mass murderers who, under orders from the International Plutocracy, 
which now owns both the United States and Israel, having for objective the 
total depopulation of the planet except for the two or three thousand 
plutocrats and these  are already now engaged in the methodical destruction 
of people inside the United States and Israel.     For instance, we have the 
case of George W. Bush, the famous puppet supposed to be a genocidal maniac.  
So, you will now get another leader of the U.S. and . . .  NOTHING IS CHANGED ! 
And moreover, nothing can be changed because the entire government of the U.S., 
just like that of Israel plus some other countries, are under tight plutocratic 
control.  The entire U.S. government is made of highly paid, ignorant, 
stupid puppets.  THAT is the kind of garbage which rules over 300 million 
deseducated, brainwashed, unable to think, self-styled "citizens".  NEVER in 
world history has an entire population been so thoroughly converted into 
obedient animals (were I one of them I would pee in my pants non-stop).         
3. FACTS !                 If we observe carefully what is going on in the 
world, we cannot fail to observe that many people have evolved into selfish, 
greedy, cruel individuals though many have not, all depending on how they have 
been raised, as I have explained in previous articles.  Although there is no 
real difference between races or places of birth, nevertheless, it is a fact 
that there is a big difference between, say 100 years ago and now.  The reason 
for this is obvious:  In older times, people were often scared of God's 
punishmnent while now, they are not scared any more because students are being 
brainwashed not to believe.  This brainwashing is intensified in the military 
and this is how the terrorist soldiers of a terrorist country (the U.S.) are 
produced.  Recent examples:  U.S. aggressions in Vietnam, Zaire, Hawai. Iraq, 
Iran and so on.     Worse yet,  U.S. world propaganda is creating more and more 
atheists especially among Christian nations. Furthermore, these new atheists 
are taught how to successfully pretend to be believers in order to better fool 
the ordinary people.  As I have explained many times in the past, regardless of 
whether God really exists or not (something we can only know for sure AFTER we 
are dead and we find ourselves either in Hell or in Heavens),  regardless 
ENSURE A GOOD BEHAVIOUR AMONG PEOPLE.                         

4. ISLAM                  In fact, if we compare the different religions 
presently in the world, we have to conclude that for the present, the best 
religion is Islam and the worst is Catholicism. Having been raised and 
braiwashed in a Catholic boarding school but having had my eyes opened during 
the Second World War, I had to conclude that the Catholic Religion is not only 
criminally phony  but, and this with Protestantism, they are the main sources 
of terrorism.  Three examples of terrorist countries (among many others): the 
U.S., U.K. and France.  Further studies suggest that currently, the United 
States is the winner as the most terrorist country in the world... and who 
knows... possibly in the Universe.     As matters stand at present we have to 
observe the following facts:‪1. Atheist countries such as is basically the 
U.S., are by far the most terrorist both inside and outside their own 
country.2. The behaviour of Israel, under the command of the 
Zionist International Plutocracy, is just as terroristic as that of the U.S.‬   
   In fact, here is from UrukNet <n...@uruknet. info>, dated December 28th 
2008,(21:59) an article about a real Holocaust created by Israel.‪The Jewish 
Third ReichKhalid Amayreh    The pornographic mass slaughter perpetrated by 
Israel in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, 27 December, once again reveals the Nazi 
nature of the Zionist state. It also underscore the genocidal nature and brutal 
ugliness of the Zionist mentality, a mentality based on and shaped by murder, 
bullying, coercion, aggression, brutality and criminality. Furthermore, it 
shows that Israel is capable, both mentally and physically, of carrying out a 
real holocaust against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the Middle 
East...    Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo: 
http://www.uruknet. de/?p=50016‬             

5. END OF THE WORLD       And we come to the following conclusion:  ATHEISM + 
U.S.-STYLE FREEDOM = THE WORLD'S END. Why this ?  For several reasons.  Because 
the United States:‪1. is free to pollute the air, water and food in order to 
start depopulating the world.2. is free to attack and destroy one country after 
the other.3. is free to produce all sorts of new deadly diseases.4. is free to 
starve its own citizens to death.5. has full criminal control of the United 
Nations.‬       Among other things, the plan followed by the plutocracy is to 
destroy as many children as possible - mostly by poisoning - not only within 
the U.S. but all over the world.  Next they have succeeded in intensifying 
various sorts of CANCER, a disease which was rare hundred years ago when 
everybody smoked. Now that few people smoke, lots of them die of lung cancer !  
For instance I, who has smoked non stop all my life since I was 12 years old, I 
am still alive at 80 - soon 81 - years of age (I am supposed to die gunned down 
by the enemy).  Anyway, this shows how people have a strong tendency to believe 
what they are told to believe, without even THINKING and are thus easily  made 
deadly sick:   During my life, I have seen many non smokers BUT THINKERS  die 
of LUNG CANCER.     There is therefore every reason to believe that 
Depopulation will be a great plutocratic success and the 6.6 billion earthlings 
will all die leaving the entire planet at the disposal of the two to three 
thousand International Plutocrats . . . who can then see if they are able to 
free themselves from extra-terrestrial forces (that is something else 

6. EASY SOLUTION                As previously explained the solution to all 
this is quite easy... but impossible !  Simply because the solution would be to 
separate the plutocracy from their deadly wealth and this they, having all 
wealth and power... NO, they simply won't allow it.  They want to preserve 
their FREEDOM:  the freedom to:‪1. Grow wealthy to the tune of, before, 
billions of dollars and now quadrillions.2. And so being easily able to 
depopulate the planet.3. And last, to do what they want with this planet (or so 
they think).‬      In other words, there is no easy solution !                 
                 In other words, the human population has two choices:  Either 
to start and win a bloody world revolution or else let everybody suffer and 
die.  And this is where we come to Gaza (after dozens of other genocides 
committed by U.S. murderers the world over).              

 Sent from my BlackBerry®

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