Pangangguran lalayaran di BBC, breh teh *headline *ngeunaan pendeta nu teu
percaya ayana *holocaust*. Lamun di urang mah keuna 'pasal subversi' tea
meureun... Naha nya?

 'Holocaust bishop' told to recan

Richard Williamson's views on Holocaust

*The Vatican has ordered an ultra-traditionalist bishop to publicly recant
his views denying the Holocaust.*

A statement said Bishop Richard Williamson must "unequivocally" distance
himself from his statements to serve in the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican also said that the Pope had not been aware of the bishop's views
when he lifted excommunications on him and three other bishops last month.

Earlier, a senior cardinal acknowledged the Vatican had mishandled the

The Pope's decision, ending Bishop Williamson's excommunication on an
unrelated matter, has caused a bitter row, as the bishop does not believe
that Jews were gassed by the Nazis in World War II.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:31 AM, ua duq wrote:

>   salasahiji alesan ngadegna nagara israel nyaeta kajadian holocaust.
> genosida gede ka urang yahudi ku nazi. korbanna disebutkeun aya kana 2 juta
> urangna. holocoust jeung jadi dogma, teu beunang dipungkir, saha wa nu
> nentang kana ieu 'fakta' di eropa mah bakal dipanjara. ngan najan kitu nu
> nentang teu saeutik. diberbagai kalangan. aya nagarawan model ahmadinejad,
> oge kalangan elmuwan. salasahijina norman g. finkelstein. nu narik tina ieu
> ngaran, siga cek mj... nu ngaranna ditungtungan ku -stein, manehna urang
> yahudi. nu leuwih istimewa manehna oge ngalaman diudag-udag tangtara nazi.


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