Thank you all, or y'all if appropriate, for the tips.

On Jan 20, 2011, at 8:24 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:


> The purpose of the plugin-specific messages is to help keep the plugin from 
> interfering with the standard message path. By implementing the "special" 
> messages you don't need to insert handlers for messages that other stacks 
> need to use. For example, if you want the plugin to know about all instances 
> when a stack closes, put a "revCloseStack" handler in your plugin. LiveCode 
> will send that message to all open plugins whenever a user stack closes. (You 
> may already know this, but Richard wondered why those messages were there.)

I was guessing that was the reason, in my own intuitive, vague way  ;-)

There's some discussion on that and more, going back to 2003 in the List 
Archives (Subject: Re: Where Can I Find Details On PlugIns?) . The Archives are 
my friends and extra brain.  Very helpful stuff in them.


> If your plugin does not need to know about any of the actions in the list, 
> don't write handlers for them and just ignore them. My custom plugins are 
> mostly set to just be in the menu and open on demand.

After reading the Archives I'm thinking that is the way to proceed for what I 
want to do. A "revCloseStack" (good guess!) might be handy but I can get the 
job done in other ways. 

Ciao, y'all.
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