I have signed my app (Colour Palette) with the certificate that I got
through the KeyChain certificate process using codesign and productBuild

codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Stewart Lynch"
/Users/slynch/Documents/Current\ Projects/Colour\ Palette/Colour\
Palette2/MacOSX/Colour\ Palette.app

productbuild --component /Users/slynch/Documents/Current\ Projects/Colour\
Palette/Colour\ Palette2/MacOSX/Colour\ Palette.app /Applications --sign
"3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Stewart Lynch" ColourPalette.pkg

This all went without a hitch

However, when I try
sudo installer -store -pkg "ColourPalette.pkg" -target /

The first line I get is:
installer: Warning: ColourPalette.pkg was signed with a certificate that
is not valid for store submission.

Then I get some other lines taht indicate that the instalation check has

However, does anyone have any idea why my certificate would not be valid. 
I followed the procedures exactly.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
who don't.

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