That's worth saving in my Livecode Keepers! Someday I am going to make a stack 
of this stuff!


On Apr 1, 2011, at 10:09 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 4/1/11 11:14 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> Since you are taking snapshots of other cards and the "preopen" is for
>> the control, I'm not sure you need to wait for the control to load. I
>> think the issue is the ID of the icon.
> I just tried the handler you posted and there's more wrong than just the icon 
> ID.
> on preOpenControl
>   import snapshot from the rect of card "Example"
>   set the icon of me to it
> end preOpenControl
> It might be a typo, but the first line will error without the "rect" keyword: 
>  import snapshot from rect (the rect of cd "example"). Also, snapshots use 
> the 0,0 point of the monitor (not the stack) for coordinates when dealing 
> with cards, so the rect of a card will result in the snapshot containing the 
> top left portion of whatever's on the monitor at that position. You'll need 
> to translate the coordinates from global to local coords. You can either do 
> that using the globalloc function or you can just use the rect of the stack 
> instead of the rect of the card. The second method won't always work if you 
> have a menubar on a Mac (which makes the stack shorter than the card.)
> After either an import or an export, the "it" variable is not given a value, 
> so it becomes the string literal "it". You can't set an icon to a string 
> literal, you need an ID number.
> While you can take snapshots of objects that aren't open, you can't take them 
> of cards that aren't open. Cards are not objects. I was unable to get a 
> snapshot of another card unless I went there first. This did work:
> on test
>  get the rect of this cd
>  put globalloc(item 1 to 2 of it) into tRect
>  put globalLoc(item 3 to 4 of it) into item 3 to 4 of tRect
>  go cd 2
>  import snapshot from rect tRect
>  go back
>  set the icon of me to the short id of last img of cd 2
> end test
> The "export snapshot" offers more options. You can export a snapshot to a 
> variable and then put that variable into an image object. However, I was 
> still unable to get a snapshot without going to the card. This works:
> on test2
>  lock screen
>  go cd 2
>  export snapshot from cd 2 to tVar as JPEG
>  go back
>  unlock screen
>  create img "iconImg"
>  set the text of img "iconImg" to tVar
>  set the icon of me to the short id of img "iconImg"
> end test2
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |
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