How to use LiveCode <> on April 1, 2011 at 8:54 AM 
-0700 wrote:
>I'm at the stage in my project where I want to produce some documentation on
>the various handlers I've written - a few words about purpose, list of
>parameters and what they contain, and any returned values.  I've documented
>all this  in a comment block at the start of each handler.  I know, how
>old-fashioned isn't it!
>I'm sure I could write a script to go through all my handlers and extract
>the comment block but before I start down that road, are there any code
>documentation aids out there for Livecode?

Take a look at Script Reporter in the Developer section of RevOnline
I wrote this some time ago.
Click on User Samples button within LiveCode

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those who 

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