On 04/05/2011 12:41 PM, "Colin Holgate" <co...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Although I don't fully understand why, Moodle is huge in education, and you
> should get to grips with it no matter what.

It's big because the main alternatives (notably BlackBoard) are so awful
(and awfully expensive). I'm no big fan of Learning Management Systems but
they're here to stay (at least in tertiary educational environments) -
administrators love them, educators not so much. We're currently building a
bespoke learning environment (emphasis on learning) for medical students
(LiveCode clients, mysql/php backend) and plan to phase out the use
Blackboard during 2012. I'm expecting a 'please explain' call from the
university's IT decision makers before too long.


Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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