On 6/10/11 11:12 AM, John Patten wrote:
Thanks for the quick replies!

I thought I had it figured out with Devin's suggestion. Everything seemed to work with this script:

on mouseUp
   put the hostname into tHostName
   --wait 1 sec
   put the hostnametoaddress of tHostName
end mouseUp

The address returned However, when I went in and looked at my machines IP it was

I wonder where it got the 10.x.x.109 from?

Hi John,

Does your machine have wireless AND wired network capabilities? If so, x.x.x.109 may be the other IP address you weren't looking at.

Phil Davis

Mark, I'm assuming there is a shell script for Ubuntu too that will do the same parse action as your script example? Your example should help me to understand how to parse the shell script.

Thank you!

John Patten

On Jun 10, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Devin Asay wrote:


Look at the hostName and hostNameToAddress functions

put the hostNameToAddress of the hostName into fld "info"



On Jun 10, 2011, at 11:05 AM, John Patten wrote:

Hi All...

I've been looking at all the solutions in the archive for getting the
IP address of the machine running a stack. Some shell scripts, some
php calls, etc. etc.

I have a situation where we are behind a firewall using NAT. So all
our computers are running a 10.x.x.x.x address. I'm trying to
implement some socket communication between stacks and IP address
information is essential for this to work. I would like the
communication process set up to be as transparent as possible,
allowing users to connect by name and maybe holding IP address is a
custom property for example.

The Dictionary provides some examples for hostAdress function and I
tried (wishful thinking, script trickery) something like this:

on mouseUp
  open socket to "" with message "socketOpen"
  put the result
end mouseUp

on socketOpen theSock
  put the hostAddress of ""
end socketOpen

...but it just gave me and not the 10.x.x.x. address...

Shell script works nice, but it gives quite a few IP in its result.
Plus the actual machine IP is located on different lines in the
result, such as in a desktop machine, as opposed to a laptop on

It just seems like it would be nice to have a built in function for
reporting local machine's IP...

Such as, "put localIP of current stack into tIP"  or "get LocalIP of
current stack."

Is this available in the dictionary and I'm just missing it?

Thank you!

John Patten
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