I settled on Mark's shell script process to get IP address. I managed to kludge together a case for Linux (Ubuntu Netbook) too. I did not quite understand the matchtext line with its (?s) and (.*?)'s but the Mac OSX case and Linux case almost worked without any changes.

The Linux shell is same as Mac's: ifconfig with either eth5 or wlan3 for interfaces.
The shell command results are:
                wlan3     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:d3:7c:f2:49
                inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
The only difference between the two is there are the characters "addr:" in front of the IP with no space too. The OSX shell has spaces surrounding the IP.
Mark had mentioned that the (?s) represent spaces.
How does the matchText call know just to capture the IP address in the variable retVal? It appears to look for "<space>inet<space>" and when it finds it magically captures just the IP address that follows it???? How's it do that? Does matchText automatically get the first item/ word following the matched text??? Not quite sure how that works, but it does :-)

                  case "Linux"
put shell("/sbin/ifconfig eth5") into tEthernetConfig put shell("/sbin/ifconfig wlan3") into tWirelessConfig

                   set the itemdel to "."
get matchText(tEthernetConfig,"(?s)inet (.*?) ",retVal)
                   if it is false then
                           -- CHECK FOR WIRELESS CONNECTION
get matchText(tWirelessConfig,"(?s)inet (.*?) ",retVal)
                           if it is false then
                                   return ""
                           end if
                   end if
-- i have no clue how the matchtext works above but the retVal is returns "addr:10.X.X.X". Sooo...

  set the itemDel to ":"
          put item 2 of  retVal into cd fld "ipaddress"
          end switch

        return ""

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