On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Bob Sneidar <b...@twft.com> wrote:
> Since the subject was broached using textual analysis of Biblical passages as 
> an example, I will respond in like kind. If anyone will be offended at this, 
> please, stop reading, close the email, and ignore any future posts to this 
> thread by me. I've given fair warning. Please no flames.
> This linked article is a perfect case in point for why software based textual 
> analysis does NOT work well for the purposes that some may intend. Part of 
> the problem is that it relies upon a number of assumptions, human assumptions 
> no less (for all software is really a reflection of the developer), not the 
> least of which is that a single author can have only one style of writing. 
> Paul for example, was one of the most learned Hebrew scholars of his time, as 
> well but was raised in the Grecian society and well schooled in their ways 
> and traditions. When writing to the Gentiles, you will find that his style 
> was distinctly different from the book of Hebrews, where he wrote to his 
> fellow countrymen about what Christianity means to the Jew, to the Torah (the 
> books of the law) and to those Hebrews who had embraced Christianity. The 
> differences have cause no end of disagreement among the learned about who 
> really wrote the book of Hebrews. Some say it was Peter or John, but then the 
> same difficulty arises when comparing Hebrews to other Biblical writings of 
> those authors.
> In response to the specific example in the article about the book of Isaiah, 
> Jesus quoted from the two sections of Isaiah, commonly believed by 
> "progressive" critics to be written by two different "Isaiahs", saying in the 
> second quote, "That same Isaiah...". There are some who believe there were 5 
> or 6 Isaiahs, although this is considered "fringe" even by the majority of 
> the progressive critics.
> Even in the mainstream, many critics believe that Isaiah was written AFTER 
> the time of Christ, mainly due to the very specific prophecies about the 
> Christ which are too many to name here. (That is a pretty nice trick, seeing 
> that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain parts that the scholars say came after 
> Christ, but no archaeologist in his right mind would contend the Dead Sea 
> Scrolls are post Christ!)
> Now I don't think it takes a genius to see that if Jesus was wrong about 
> anything, then his whole claim to be the Son of God lies in ruins, and we can 
> only pity him as a self deluded fool, or worse yet, a vile deceiver. But if 
> His claims are true, then it is the critics who are to be pitied. Because 
> they are simply and completely wrong.
> I can tell you that when I am typing an email of this nature, my grammar and 
> tone morphs into something much more formal and precise. When I email my 
> friends about a funny joke, my writing style is very much different. Software 
> analysis of all I have ever written from my first essay in grade school to 
> now would probably conclude there are 20 of me.
> All that to say this: Software may be able to turn up some interesting facets 
> of writing styles, and we may be able to learn something from it, but it is 
> not the software that fails us here. It is humans who put way too much value 
> in the apparent results than are warranted. I guess people cannot help but 
> grab ahold of what they can, so they can believe what they want to believe, 
> on either side of the issue. Software cannot fix that.
> Bob

A very insightful reply... thank you Bob!

Best regards,
David C.

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