On 7/3/11 4:58 PM, Pete wrote:
I think I already mentioned this but I've entered QC report number 9604
about all this.  There's various problems involved:

1) LC needs one more keyword so it can deal with the 4 date/time formats
used by OS X.
2) There's a bug in the "abbrev system time" - it returns LC's default
abbrev format, not the format in any of the OS X user preferences.
3) There's an inconsistency between the long system date and the long system
time - the date returned is in the OS X full format, and the time is in the
OS X medium format.

These issues occur anywhere you refer to system dates and times, including
the convert command.

They aren't bugs, they're legacy formats that go back 20 years, and changing them would break a lot of stacks. When these date/time formats were implemented they matched the ones in Mac OS 6 and 7, and probably still matched in OS 9, though I don't remember.

So rather than changing those, we should get new formats that represent more modern system options. This would be a feature request, so it would be good to update your report to reflect that.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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