I just found that Navigator breaks when editing the custom properties of
datagrids, because of the custom property dgProps["style"]. When I
originally added custom properties to the property editor in Navigator it
was simple: I pretty much had to add one line here and there, and I was
done. Namely:

      if the cCustomProperties of me is true
      then set the customPropertySet of tID to (the cCustomPropertySet of

And then set the properties as usual. So easy. But setting the property
breaks if the custom property is "style", with the error that the object
doesn't have that property.

So now I'm spending time going through Navigator and replacing the above
with code like this:

         put value(merge("the [[pCustomPropertySet]][
[[quote]][[P]][[quote]]] of [[pID]]")) into pIDP

(if anyone has a cleaner solution, I'd love to hear it)

So: use unique names for your custom properties. Prefix them all with a "u"
as some people do, for example.

Or don't. Navigator's next update will accommodate you anyway.

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