> Le 16 févr. 2019 à 09:17, Tim Selander via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> a écrit :
> Thank you for your reply, but I haven't gotten it working yet.
> The code in my first post was from my working stack. Here is what I have from 
> my non-working stack after re-writing to follow your instructions:
> ------------
> # Construct SQL
> contactInfo(key,organization,denomination,address,category,tel,fax,tEmail,access,founded,staff,servicetime,web,character)"
>  & \
> " VALUES(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11,:12,:13,:14)" into tSQL
> # Execute SQL
> revExecuteSQL(gconnection,tSQL,vkey,vorg,vdenom,vadd,vcategory,vtel,vfax,vtEmail,vaccess,vfounded,vstaff,vtime,vweb,vcat)
> put the result into tTmp
> ------------
> The table name is "contactInfo" and the list of the table's fields is in the 
> paranthesis.
> The VALUES(:1,:2....  syntax is something I haven't seen before. I assume 
> that you need as many numbers as you have fields?
> You say to use variables, and I am assuming in the "revExecuteSQL" line. Is 
> that correct? I tried the list of variables both with the quotes you used, 
> and without just to see. I also tried replacing the revExecuteSQL comman with 
> revdb_execute. Both result in this error: {execution error at line n/a 
> (External handler execution error: revdberr,syntax error) near 
> "revdberr,syntax error"}
> I appreciate your taking the time to educate me.
> Tim Selander

Here an example :

put fld "name" into tName

put the label of btn "title" into tTitle
put fld "first_name" into fFirst_Name

put fld "address" into tAddress

put fld "citycode" into tCitycode

put fld "tCity" into tCity

put fld "tPhone" into tPhone

put fld "tEmail" into tEmail

put "INSERT INTO address ( tAddress, tCitycode, tEmail, tName, fFirst_Name, 
tPhone, tTitle, tCity) VALUES ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8 );" into tSQL
revExecuteSQL tDatabaseID, tSQL, "tAddress", "tCitycode", "tEmail", "tName", 
"fFirst_Name", "tPhone", "tTitle", "tCity"

//The quote are necessary in last line
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