On 5/25/2019 11:37 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
On 5/25/2019 11:10 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
If you are on Pause, the Forward and Rewind arrows step forward or backwards by  frame If you are on Play, the Forward and Rewind arrows fast forward or rewind (currently not working under Windows in LC904/5)
Play and Pause toggle between one another
Dragging the thumb changes the current time

However, Alt (Win) or Opt(OSX) clicking forward or rewind arrows jumps you to the end or start respectively

I'd like to know what other modifier key in combination with visible controls do what? Without having to try every possible combination of keys and clicking.

Another example, SHIFT Clicking on the Forward/Rewind area changes it to a blue slider, which does WHAT?

I can find no documentation on the player's object controller bar. I assume it must exists, but I just can't find it.

I stand corrected (a tiny bit) as I finally found this among the LiveCode Lessons: http://lessons.livecode.com/m/4603/l/44283-using-players It actually has an annotated picture (at https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/001/160/690/original/36c81ebf-9b3a-4610-a259-fbc2eacd2843.png) of the controller and the sparse notation: "The controller that appears at the bottom of the player allows the user to start and stop play back(1), control the volume(2) and move to a certain point in the sound file or movie(3,4)."

And, yea, I probably could have tried every key and click combination in the time I have spent searching for documentation :-(

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