With LC90x+ we have the screenRect (for the primary monitor), the screenRects (for multiple monitors and we can even use the 'working' keyword to get the screenRect less any OS reserved space for menu bar or task bar.

Thus, if you have a set up with 2 monitors, the working screenRect returns the available space on the primary monitor leef any menubar or task bar. This is also the first line of the working screenRects and the 2nd line of the working screenRects is the coordinated of the 2nd monitor.

If you have resizable windows, it is logical to set the windowBoundingRect to the working screenRect, so that windows that are zoomed (OSX) or maximized (Windows) are limited to the area of the primary monitor NOT being used for a menu bar or task bar.

However, there is only one windowBoundingRect, so what about a window on the second monitor that is zoomed or maximized. It ends up being constrained by the windowBoundingRect set based on the primary monitor! So if you second monitor is positioned so most of its area is outside the windowBoundingRect, you will be unable to fully maximize the window on the second display.

It seems to me that with the advent of multiple monitor support in 'the working screenRects' that there should either (1) be the windowBoundingRects (plural) with each one corresponding to each line of the screenRects OR (2) the windowBoundingRect be ignored on all monitors but the primary?

Anyone else run into this?

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