On 12/07/2011 18:58, Bob Sneidar wrote:
For the record, I have a password philosophy that has served me well. I have 
one set of credentials I use for local logons, like computer accounts and file 
servers. I have a second set for anything that accesses the internet, but does 
not contain information that can hurt me. I have a third set that I use for 
internet accounts where I can be hurt. I NEVER use one set in another 
That's pretty close to what I do, though I have two levels of "hurt" (general websites that could be compromised, another for banking, credit cards, etc.)

I will also willingly share my method for generating easily-remembered passwords.

I take
 - the car license number of a car I used to own  (or a friend used to own)
 - treat it as N groups of letters, or of numbers
 - change the order of those groups
 - reverse the order of one of the groups
 - append or prepend the year I bought that car in
(and also add punctuation, but I won't go into details on that).

This generates passwords I can easily remember (or easily re-create from what I do remember), but would be difficult for anyone else to find out (and will be generally hard to guess by brute force). It does help that I've owned cars in more than one country :-)

-- Alex.

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