I added two demos to my HTML5 standalone samples

(US) http://hh.on-rev.com/html5/index-large.html#as
(EU) http://hyperhh.de/html5/index-large.html#as

1 • Multi Focus-Move-Resize
shows how to move and resize multiple windows (substacks) incl.
the main window.
Moreover the stack windows are focused so that you can immediately
start typing in a focused field without having to click first at it.

2 • GoStackURL, uses SOP (same origin policy)
is based on the above and loads moreover (ordinary) stacks by
"go stack URL".
The stacks can be closed, opened again or deleted as usual.

Both stack shows also how to add scrollwheel support (vertically,
and, if your mouse supports that, also horizontally) to any field
of any open stack window.

The stack sources will be uploaded to livecodeshare/SampleStacks
as soon that is out of maintenance.
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