Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
Bill: A few us at the monastery run 32bit applications that have announced EOL due to Catalina… as are many programs: the market share does not warrant ROI
for developing 64bit… (including my old favorite DragThing ☹)

Our tech team (supersavvy network/server admins) have set up Parallels for one of us, and they say he will be able to run a 32bit astrology application "forever" .

What my worry is, is that perhaps Catalina’s new security settings won’t allow booting from an external drive. That would completely eliminate my option of
having a 32 bit OS option for running older 32 bit software.

Anybody have any info relevant to this issue? Or perhaps I’m just being paranoid
(totally justifiably)

If only there was an operating system designed by and for developers, supported by a vast ecosystem that values control, customization, and interoperability....

How unimaginibably cool would it be if such an OS were also the de facto standard of modern computing in all areas beyond the desktop, giving you the confidence that the system in your hands works just like the others you use in servers, IoT devices, and everything else in the ubiquitous-computing world you design for....

If only such a thing existed, you could still enjoy every other OS LiveCode runs on for testing, deployment, and support, or even for some end-user tasks like specialized kinds of media production. Consumer electronics appliances could be enjoyed for what they are, and all the while your bread-and-butter development system would always remain something that prioritizes your preferences over those of any single corporation....



  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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