The stack OCR-Lite is a GUI to the JS library by Kevin Kwok
which is in turn an emscripten port to GNU Ocrad by Antonio Diaz Diaz
The library is included in the stack, so you can use it offline.
The License is GNU GENERAL PUBLIC v3.0

Of course, tesseract has better results but it needs around 10 MByte
of trainingData for each language.
Ocrad.js has < 1 MByte size and yields, TMHO, in average good results.

The stack runs (offline) using LC 8.1.10/9.0.5/9.5 on MacOS > 10.12
and using LC 9.0.5, on win 7/10 and linux (ubuntu1604). Be patient on
windows, it's a bit slower than on Mac.

You only have to import your images and hit the "OCR" button.

Download OCR-Lite it from "SampleStacks" of the LC toolbar or from

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