Thank you Brian.

So actually the Dictionary needs some updates of stuff that is not an error but also doing nothing when used on server.

Thanks, Jerry

Op 12-11-2019 om 19:34 schreef Brian Milby via use-livecode:
Unless you are doing a HTML5 app (entire stack resides in a web page), none of 
the GUI stuff applies.  The LC code is pretty much a replacement for PHP code, 
so the GUI piece would be the same (whatever HTML/JS frameworks you choose).

On Nov 12, 2019, 1:24 PM -0500, JJS via use-livecode 
<>, wrote:

i'm really curious how some things from the dictionary should work or
behave on server. (when filtered on server)

And i can find almost no examples, the forum section is small, the list
is searchable but not easy, lessons almost nothing and mostly about
installing the server, dictionary only IDE examples.

As it is serverside, how should for example a field work or a widget.

How should on mouseUp work? i can type on mouseUp and some things in it
like put"<p>hi</p>" and then end mouseUp, no error, but nothing
happening either.

Or in better words maybe, how to use a HTML button like an LC button.

How to send data without opening another lc script, i just want to stay
for example on the same page, but i need the result back without the
whole page being reloaded.

( i know how to send data as i can choose categories and products and so
on each on their own page)

If i need jQuery or Javascript then i can just as good go on with the
PHP versions i have.

I've rewritten some html/php scripts to html/lc and now i've come to the
same point, there where the products should go in the basket.

When one uses html form action="" for instance then when pushing
the html button it tries to open that script as a page.

So in short what i'm asking is a lot of examples and some answers to the

Thanks for any help.



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