On Dec 18, 2019, at 1:03 PM, JB via use-livecode 
<use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Actually as I said in the first post I do not really need it.  I was
> reading the manual about something else which I have already
> forgot and I ran across the code so I tried it.

Investigate “sockets” in the dictionary.

> But I am interested in messing around with writing to another
> application if you have any examples.  Also if you needed
> the c code let me know and I can probably dig it out for you.

I emailed you master and slave, since we can’t attach to the list.

It’s by no means an example of how to do it; it’s my partway-done experiment 
from when I wanted a helper application to allow non-blocking database actions. 
 Switching from mySQL to postgreSQL solved my problem far more cleanly (I don’t 
know if it’s still the case, but LiveCode could only send a single mySQL 
transaction at the time, and startup took several hundred sequential commands . 
. .).  I may use it again someday, but not for now.

Anyway, it really doesn’t do much more than take something from the input 
window in one application, encrypt it, and send it across a socket to the other.

I *want* to say that master launches slave when it starts up, but it’s been a 
few years.
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